The i-Blue is powered by 100 kW and fuel cell stack. Fueled with compressed hydrogen (700 bar) stored in a 115 liter tank, i-Blue is capable of running more than 600 km per refueling and achieves a maximum speed of 165 km/h. The i-Blue's fuel cell stack is housed underfloor, not in the engine compartment as in the second generation Tucson FCEV. This endows the car with an ideal 50 : 50 weight distribution for optimal driving and handling dynamics. Furthermore, by moving the fuel stack underfloor, the engine compartment is less densely populated providing better air flow and cooling.
The i-Blue drives almost noiselessly and passionate drivers will be delighted by the acceleration of the i-Blue's powerplant. Like its predecessors,i-Blue's only emission is water vapor, fueling Hyundai's unwavering dedication to FCEV technology as available, environmentally friendly alternative to the internal combustion engine.