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Duality in Motion: download all assets

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Editorials Duality in Motion: download all assets

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Duality in Motion: download all assets

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Editorials 202409161255
Duality in Motion: download all assets

2 minutes read
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  • All media kit assets are available for download at 
  • Footage available in 16:9, 9:16 and in UHD (4k) resolution
  • More than 40min of B-roll and over 47 images available in multiple formats
  • All assets are copyrights free and available for editorial use
Royal Heritage

Main film

Duration: 3min 30s

Formats: 16:9, 9:16 in 4K UHDTV

Copyrights: Free / All media / Unlimited time


- Edited: Download here

- Clean (no supers + footage/BGM/SFX provided separately): Download here

Thumbnail_Film (Long Form)

40min of B-Roll

Duration: 40min (35min + 5min)

Formats: 16:9, 9:16 in 4K UHDTV

Copyrights: Free / All media / Unlimited time


- Drone footage: Download here

- Driving footage: Download here

Thumbnail_B-Roll (Drone & Driving)

SNS / Shorts

Duration: 15~30s

Formats: 16:9, 9:16 in 4K UHDTV

Copyrights: Free / All media / Unlimited time


- Edited: Download here

- Clean (no supers + footage/BGM/SFX provided separately): Download here

Thumbnail_Film (SNS Shorts)

Stills - Nightlife (x6)

Copyrights: Free / All media / Unlimited time

Links: Download here

Thumbnail 1_Nightlife

Stills - Traditional Modernity (x4)

Copyrights: Free / All media / Unlimited time

Links: Download here

Thumbnail 2_Traditional Modernity

Stills - Iconic Silhouettes (x5)

Copyrights: Free / All media / Unlimited time

Links: Download here

Thumbnail 3_Iconic Silhouettes

Stills - Royal Heritage (x5)

Copyrights: Free / All media / Unlimited time

Links: Download here

Thumbnail 4_Royal Heritage

Stills - Urban Inspiration (x5)

Copyrights: Free / All media / Unlimited time

Links: Download here

Thumbnail 5_Urban Inspiration

Stills - Bridging Horizons (x10)

Copyrights: Free / All media / Unlimited time

Links: Download here

Thumbnail 6_Bridging Horizons

Stills - Electric Nights (x3)

Copyrights: Free / All media / Unlimited time

Links: Download here

Thumbnail 7_Electric Nights

Stills - Future City Fusion (x3)

Copyrights: Free / All media / Unlimited time

Links: Download here

Thumbnail 8_Future City Fusion

Stills - Urban Subculptures (x2)

Copyrights: Free / All media / Unlimited time

Links: Download here

Thumbnail 9_Urban Subculptures

Stills - Urban Oasis (x3)

Copyrights: Free / All media / Unlimited time

Links: Download here

Thumbnail 10_Urban Oasis

Stills - All SNS formats (x51)

Copyrights: Free / All media / Unlimited time

Formats: Instagram, Linkedin

Links: Download here

Thumbnail 11_All SNS formats

Editor. Philippe Jourdain
Global PR Strategy & Planning · Hyundai Motor Company

Disclaimer: Hyundai Motor Group believes the information contained herein to be accurate at the time of release. However, the company may upload new or updated information if required and assumes that it is not liable for the accuracy of any information interpreted and used by the reader.

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