Style Set Free @ Milan Design Week 2019 - Driving change.
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Last April, Hyundai unveiled its new vision of what the interior of vehicles could look like under the concept 'Style Set Free' while co-hosting an interactive panel discussion with Monocle around the topic of future mobility. This industry roundtable featured many experts in the field of design, as well as the editor-in-chief of Monocle, Tyler Brûlé. Alongside the panel discussion, Hyundai also teamed up with Monocle on a design-themed podcast series. Here's what we learned.
Looking ahead
How would Hyundai change in the future
as technology evolves?
In the future shared transport, AI technology and autonomous driving will become part of daily life. A fundamental change in-car use is inevitable and Hyundai is transforming itself into a “smart mobility service company” to provide consumers with smart solutions.
Drivers will enjoy the freedom of movement with the added benefits of time and space. Electric motors allow for more room and flexibility inside the car and furniture-inspired interior design and sustainable materials will increase everybody’s comfort.
Customers will be able to customize materials, colors, and interior styles. ‘Style Set Free’ is the consumer experience of the future that will enable users to create their own unique in-car lifestyle with upgradeable products and services.
For example, a mother could remove the seats in the car and install a table to have breakfast, or a father could switch a seat for a rowing machine. The EV screens could facilitate online shopping, simple medical check-ups and educational content for children. All are possible in the car of tomorrow.
All are possible in the car of tomorrow.
On Hyundai's
Style Set Free
How is Hyundai approaching the future of mobility?
"The mobility business model has not changed for more than a century. Cars only existed to take people from one place to another but technology is altering the traditional role of the car. With Style Set Free we strive to help consumers create and personalize their own interactive, living spaces within the car. Thanks to the flatter floors from electric vehicles, it allows for more space to customize and accommodate the individual needs of each user in comparison to traditional engines. With the help of self-driving technology, people can interact with fellow passengers and have a different experience on their own, instead of having to pay attention behind the wheel."
- Wonhong Cho
Wonhong Cho, Chief Marketing Officer
How is Hyundai communicating this?
Wonhong Cho: We are working on redefining our brand essence from the old message of “modern premium” to “quality time”. We will launch a campaign to communicate our new brand essence and use different platforms, like Milan Design Week, to explain the concept of Style Set Free and provide quality time to our customers. In Milan, we offered a glimpse of how our cars could reflect consumer lifestyles and needs in a very intuitive and interesting way.
Hyundai x Monocle @ Milan Design Week
Interacting with artists and designers helps us to think innovatively and contribute to the development of society.
Why was Milan Design Week so important?
Wonhong Cho: We don’t want to just present our idea – we like to share the idea of Style Set Free with people from the fields of design and art. Interacting with artists and designers helps us to think innovatively and contribute to the development of society. This kind of platform allows us to do that well.
Behind the concept of "Style Set Free" is the centerpiece of the exhibition, "Sculpture" which features an ever-changing design by mapping upon the installation based on grip, while embodying Hyundai's new brand experience that encompasses around 3 key interior elements- Material, Color & Light, and Shape & Sound.