Corporate Governance | Hyundai Motor India
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    Corporate Governance

HMI Ethics Charter & Code of Conduct

Hyundai Motor India Limited firmly believes in ethical business practices. It is our Company policy to be lawful, highly-principled and socially responsible in all our activities. The Ethics Charter and Code of Conduct (“Code”) appended, summarises the values, principles and business practices that guide our business conduct.

Whistle Blower Policy

The purpose of Hyundai Motor India Ltd.'s (HMIL’s) "Whistle Blower Policy" is to define and establish the position of HMIL on the framework for reporting instances of unethical/improper conduct and taking suitable steps to investigate and to the maximum extent possible, preventing recurrence of such unethical/improper conduct.

Hyundai Motor India Ltd. is committed to transparency and fairness for all its stakeholders. Click on the below link to register any grievances relating to unethical/improper conduct
